SSL Certificates

Keep Search Engines & Website Visitors Happy

  • Domain SSL

    $ 8 /yr
    • Domain Validation
    • 256-bit Encryption
    • No Green Bar
    • No Subdomains
    • Static Site Seal
    • $10,000 Warranty
  • most popular

    WildCard SSL

    $ 59 /yr
    • Domain Validation
    • 256-bit Encryption
    • No Green Bar
    • Unlimited Subdomains
    • Static Site Seal
    • $50,000 Warranty
  • BusinessTrust EV

    $ 109 /yr
    • Extended Validation
    • 256-bit Encryption
    • Yes Green Bar
    • No Subdomains
    • Dynamic Site Seal
    • $1,000,000 Warranty

You're Our Priority 24x7

Have question regarding SSL Certificates? Contact our friendly support team. We'll assist you!

server room

Frequently Asked Questions

You need an SSL certificate if you are accepting credit card payments online through a merchant account. Even the authorities like credit card associations and networks make it a necessity for you to have an SSL certificate. This is because there is a transmission of critical information like card number, card holder’s name, card expiration date, CVV code etc. Getting an SSL certificate involved is an important aspect of making your website PCI compliant (A set of rules that have to be followed for accepting credit card payments). Moreover, an informed customer knows about website security and before making any purchase from your website, he / she confirms if your shopping cart is secure. You might lose out on potential customers if you have not secured your website with an SSL certificate.

CSR stands for ‘Certificate Signing Request’. CSR is the special key that is generated by the web server by using the unique private key of that server. The CSR is sent to the certificate issuer that generates the final SSL certificate. Once you sign up for any of the SSL certificates, Vinkers Hosting will take care of the CSR process.

We follow transparent pricing model. No hidden charge! or No renewal price hike*. You can pay for SSL Certificates in yearly, every 2 years or every 3 years.

We accept payments with Stripe (Credit/Debit Card), Paypal and all Indian payment methods.

Sure we will. When you sign up for any of the SSL certificates provided by us, we will install it on your website for free.

For SSL Certificates 30 days refund policy does not apply. Contact us before placing a order.